Monday, February 27, 2017

Until That Day—A Song I Wrote

Gazing up into heaven, an old man stood by his rugged altar. Ah! Sunshine, fluffy clouds, blue skies! His feet were on solid ground! Yes, the old world was gone, but a brand new world had emerged. 

Then, Noah saw the rainbow, that stunning symbol of divine promise. Planet Earth would never be destroyed by water again.

Someday another "rainbow" will brighten the sky, another indelible promise will be given to man—"the New Earth will never be overthrown". At last, delighted angels will hear that anthem they could never sing, nor ever will, the anthem of those, who by special favor, became the children of the living God through the blood of the Lamb.

But until then, what?

Here's a little song I wrote as a testimony of hope and commitment. Jesus Christ has done so much for me. How should I not give my heart, my mind, my strength, my soul, my whole life to him!

(Scroll down for an audio sample of the song.)

Until That Day

1. Someday a rainbow will brighten the sky;
The New Earth will never be overthrown.
Someday God’s children will sing a new song,
A song that no angel can claim as his own.

Until then there’s work to be done,
No time to be wasted, no chance to be lost.
Until that day we have a command,
Lead people to Christ no matter the cost.

2. One day, at Judgement Day we will know
The way we were known by Heaven above;
The good, the bad, the thoughts that we had,
The deeds that we did, out of pride, out of love.
3. Someday our hopes and prayers will come true,
Tears and all grief will vanish away.
Someday the Lord will gather us home;
We’ll praise Him, and serve Him, and honor His name!

Chorus 2
Until then we’ll stand with the brave,
We’ll rise in defense of the Gospel of Grace.
Until that day we’ll march with the strong,
We’ll never look back, we’ll never retrace.

Click here for a sample of Until That Day.

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